Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Brightness Constancy

Brightness constancy is the concept of one perceiving objects as being a constant color even as the light reflecting off of the object changes. In other words, we perceive an object as having a constant lightness even while its illumination varies.

An example of this can be demonstrated through a brick wall. When one views the bricks during an hour of the day in which the sun directly descends on it, they appear to be the color red. However, when one views the same bricks several hours later when there is no longer any direct sunlight, he/she will still perceive the bricks as red even though their true color is then grey.

The pictures below were taken at two separate visits to the Coliseum. One picture was captured during the day, in which the landmark was exposed directly to sunlight, and one was taken at dusk, in which it was no longer receiving direct sunlight. When visiting the Coliseum on the two separate occasions, I perceived the colors to be the same. However, in accordance with the difference of illumination, its color is varied. 

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